Zaterdag, 21 Mei 2016, 20:00
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Welcome to the first edition of the Boz Jazz Awards (BJA). Join the competition and secure your spot in the finals! Make sure you send your demo before May 1st to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.. A jury will listen to all available demo's and will select 5 bands to perform in the finals on 21 May 2016.

The finalists will receive an invitation at the latest on Monday 16 may. At the finals each band wil perform for 20 minutes. During the final on May 21, the winner of the BJA will be announced.

Welcome to the first edition of the Boz Jazz Awards (BJA). The BJA is presented to you by the Stichting Bergse Jazz Evenementen (SBJE). SBJE is responsible for organizing Rabo Jazzboz. 
Rabo Jazzboz is a Jazz Festival located in Bergen op Zoom. For more information about Rabo Jazzboz see: www.jazzboz.nl 

Locatie Grote Markt 2 4611NR BERGEN OP ZOOM