Page 9 - PowerPoint-presentatie
P. 9

De Gazet about: In the Shadow of the Truth

           December 2016  Irma van Schaijk wrote in de Gazet, a weekly paper:

           "I had the honor of listening to the stories of German and Dutch people who lived and survived the war," Sonn says. "The stories of Dutchmen who
           were put to work in Germany during the war in particular produced a very unknown picture. A story that has hardly been heard until now. But also
           how, for example, a group of Germans such as farmers struggled through this period. has hardly dawned on us. They often also had to do with the war
           in a negative way. You will certainly not find it in the history pieces. Understanding of the perceptions of the 'enemy' or their interaction with ' us" is
           almost a taboo. How about the moment people came back home from "German service"? Many of them have been ignored despite being morally
           forced. I felt it was my duty to share these stories too to provide a stage.“

           The Publisher Boekenindustrie also thought so, which found the war novel both poignant and special. The first contacts were quickly made and the
           publisher's outspoken faith led to a contract for the author. "The people of Boekenindustrie were the first to respond to my manuscript. They really
           believed in my story and the conversations were very pleasant. Then it went very quickly, because next December 10th my book will be available in
           every bookstore in the Netherlands," a proud Sonn Franken said.

           On December 10, the book will be presented to the public in “Proeflokaal het Spiritum”, Rijtuigweg” 44 in Bergen op Zoom. The walk-in is from half

           past two, after which the official presentation will take place between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM with speakers, including Paul Versijp, who will highlight
           the liberation of Bergen op Zoom in particular. Their stories will certainly have to do with the theme of 'war'. Of course, publisher Boekenindustrie will
           also be present and there will be the opportunity to have the book signed by the author.                                                                              9
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