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Media site Kijk op Bergen op Zoom about: In the Shadow of

             the Truth

           December 2016

           Sonn is increasingly making his way in the world of writers. And not only locally, his second novel is also offered through the major book sales sites. He
           hadn't thought that when as a young boy he was regularly tapped -and not just on his fingers- from the brothers at the primary school St. Joseph
           School on Lourdesplein. He was already sitting there, writing down everything in his notebooks, only rarely what should have been written. It was only
           later, at the secondary school, the Gymnasium Juvenaat, that he discovered his love for writing and literature. Sonn says: “I ended up in bands and
           wrote my own songs for them, but also learned to read books and different languages. It really appealed to me.”
           Not tasty, but educational
           Still, it took a while before the author in him really woke up. “It wasn't until 2011 that the idea arose that I could start publishing my own work.

           Friends brought me into contact with Albert Hagenaars, and he assessed a lot of my work, especially poems." That was sometimes difficult, but very
           instructive. Hagenaars taught Sonn more technique. But the awakened writer in him also learned from that. he had to stay close to himself, had to
           dare to be intuitive, and that's how he still works: "My feeling must be leading. So I didn't listen to everything," Sonn says with an almost shy grin.
           The other side of the story
           Nevertheless, contact with Hagenaars remained, because a second series of poems was also assessed by the language virtuoso. There was also the
           impetus for a longer story and precisely because of this the internationally published writer was touched. He encouraged Sonn to develop this further.
           It led to the novel In the Shadow of Truth, a fictional story full of lore from World War II.

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