Last night I heard I had lost a dear friend.
In a crazy action of joy cause Wales beat the Belgian team I rang some old friends in the midst of the coal valleys in Wales. My joy turned into sadness when I found out that Terry Gough had passed away some two years ago. It shows when you take real friendship for granted and let distance cloud the contact, things might be lost sooner than you expect.
Terry was one of the purest people I have ever met. He and his wife Betty made me fall in love with their country Wales and the people. The kindness, the love and the respect they gave me made me wanna live in Wales. Whenever I entered the country on a vacation I felt like coming home. I always told Henk, my brother, that if I became rich enough I would buy myself a house in Wales.
Finding out you let time slip and without knowing one of your dearest friends passed away had quite an impact. As always my feelings find their way to the paper I use to catch my thoughts. This is for Terry:
In memory of Terry
Lang walks down the valleys
carved in foot prints
rather than tire tracks
unveiled the beauty of a country.
The kindest words
in heavy Welsh accent
stole my heart
showing the soul of
the warmest of people.
Memories from
the deepest of coal mines
to the highest
of sheep covered mountains
still linger in my head.
Laughter always outshone,
hiding the struggle of life
the few that was given
so easily given away
by the kindest of hearts
I ever met.
Some pictures of my beloved Wales