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Im Schatten der Wahrheit

                                      December 2020: Release of “Im Schatten der Wahrheit” – War novel


                                  How it began                                                        • “Im Schatten der Wahrheit” is a by Dolores C.

                                                                                                         Tannwitz (DoKo Tanwic, pseudoniem) translated
           • I came into contact with Dolores as a result of my participation in a writing
              competition from Enschede with the theme: Peace beyond the borders,                        book from the book I wrote in Dutch: “In de
              after which I was approached from Germany.                                                 schaduw van de waarheid” .

           • A German publisher decided to publish a collection of short stories “Frieden
              verbindet über Grenzen hinweg”. They asked me if they could include my
              short story in this collection. The stories were presented in both Dutch and
              German, with Dolores largely being the translator.

           • We got into a conversation and that's how she learned about my war novel.
              Since she was very interested in the subject, I sent her my manuscript. Her
              answer was surprising: "This is an important story that should not be lost.
              People in Germany should also be able to read this. I would like to translate
              it for you.”

           • The result came on the German market in December 2020.

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