Reggae Night : Kenny Weed - Free Mind Empire
Zaterdag, 15 Juli 2017, 22:00
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Let summer begin!

Free Mind Empire - a new name in the reggae scene with experienced musicians that have known eachother for years.

The new Free Mind Empire was founded in 2011 by musicians that wanted to make and play reggae in a different fashion to develop a free mind culture and style.
Free Mind Empire is not only a band, it's a musical family.

Music that makes you move!

KennyWeed is not a new name in the reggae/dancehall scene in the Netherlands but has made fame with his different unique style and flow.
As lead singer of the band he makes Free Mind Empire what they are today, unique and versatile.

The musicians are:

*Kenny Weed - Lead singer*
*Honey B - Vocals and backing vocals*
*Lioness Sista M. -Vocals and backing vocals*
*Ducky - Keys/Vocals*
*Krucial Koen - Bass*
*Roberto - Drums*
Rhythmic Mike -Rhythm guitar
*Chiel - Solo guitar*
*Melvin - Percussion*

Locatie Bruin Café JaxX Molenstraat 60, 4701JT Roosendaal